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function win(attr) { //获取可视区尺寸,参数为height|width
// 横屏
var detectOrient = function() { var width = document.documentElement.clientWidth, height = document.documentElement.clientHeight, wrapper = document.getElementById("wrap"), style = ""; if(width >= height) { // 竖屏
style += "width:100%"; style += "height:100%;"; style += "-webkit-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0);"; style += "-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;"; style += "transform-origin: 0 0;"; } else { // 横屏
style += "width:" + height + "px;"; // 注意旋转后的宽高切换
style += "height:" + width + "px;"; style += "-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg);"; // 注意旋转中点的处理
style += "-webkit-transform-origin: " + width / 2 + "px " + width / 2 + "px;"; style += "transform-origin: " + width / 2 + "px " + width / 2 + "px;"; } = style; } window.onresize = detectOrient; detectOrient(); } window.onload = function() { var bd = document.getElementsByClassName('snowList'); //获取body
function snow() { //雪花函数
var win_height = '100%'; //获取窗口高度
var win_width = document.documentElement.clientHeight; //获取窗口宽度
function createsnow() { //创建雪花函数
var snowdiv = document.createElement('div'); //新建一个div
snowdiv.className = 'snow' snowdiv.innerHTML = "j"; //写入雪花(字体的代码为j)
var size = 20 + parseInt(Math.random() * 30); //随机生成雪花的大小
var left = parseInt(win_width * (Math.random()) * 0.98); //随机生成left值 = size + 'px'; //应用字体大小 = size + 'px'; //div应用宽度 = size + 'px'; //div应用高度 = left + 'px'; //雪花的left值
$('.snowList').append(snowdiv) // bd.append(snowdiv); //将此雪花放入文档中
return snowdiv; //返回这个雪花对象
} setInterval(function() { var snow = createsnow(); //创建雪花并得到这一对象
var sbd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10); //随机生成下落速度
move(snow, sbd); //移动雪花
}, 100);
function move(obj, speed) { //移动函数
var top = 0; var timer = setInterval( function() { top = top + speed; //改变top值 = top + 'px'; if(top > win_height - 20) { clearInterval(timer); //下落停止
} }, 30); } setInterval(function() { //一段时间之后清理一次雪花,防止文档过大卡住
var snows = document.getElementsByClassName('snow'); for(var i = 0; i < snows.length / 3; i++) { snows[i].parentNode.removeChild(snows[i]); } }, 5000); } snow(); //执行snow函数
window.onresize = function() { //窗口改变
var snows = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); snows.className="snow" for(var i = 0; i < snows.length; i++) { snows[i].parentNode.removeChild(snows[i]); } } }