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vec2 cCis(float r) { return vec2( cos(r), sin(r) ); } vec2 cExp(vec2 c) { return exp(c.x) * cCis(c.y); } vec2 cConj(vec2 c) { return vec2(c.x, -c.y); } vec2 cInv(vec2 c) { return cConj(c) / dot(c, c); } vec2 cLog(vec2 c) { return vec2( log( cAbs(c) ), cArg(c) ); } float cArg(vec2 c) { return atan(c.y, c.x); } float cAbs(vec2 c) { return length(c); } vec2 cMul(vec2 a, vec2 b) { return vec2(a.x*b.x - a.y*b.y, a.x*b.y + a.y*b.x); } vec2 cDiv(vec2 a, vec2 b) { return cMul(a, cInv(b)); }
float hash(float p) { vec2 o = texture2D( u_noise, vec2((p+0.5)/256.0), -100.0 ).xy; return o.x; } vec2 hash(vec2 p) { vec2 o = texture2D( u_noise, (p+0.5)/256.0, -100.0 ).xy; return o - .5; } vec3 hash3(vec2 p) { vec3 o = texture2D( u_noise, (p+0.5)/256.0, -100.0 ).xyz; return o; } vec4 hash4(vec2 p) { vec4 o = texture2D( u_noise, (p+0.5)/256.0, -100.0 ); return o; }
// LUT Noise by Inigo Quilez - iq/2013 // https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sfGzS float noiseLUT( in vec3 x ) { vec3 p = floor(x); vec3 f = fract(x); f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f); vec2 uv = (p.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z) + f.xy; vec2 rg = texture2D(u_noise, (uv+0.5)/256.0).yx - .5; return mix( rg.x, rg.y, f.z ); }
float fbm1(in vec2 _st, float seed) { float v = 0.0; float a = 0.5; vec2 shift = vec2(100.0); // Rotate to reduce axial bias mat2 rot = mat2(cos(0.5), sin(0.5), -sin(0.5), cos(0.50)); for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i) { v += a * noiseLUT(vec3(_st, 1.)); // v += a * noise(_st, seed); _st = rot * _st * 2.0 + shift; a *= 0.4; } return v; }
float pattern(vec2 uv, float seed, float time, inout vec2 q, inout vec2 r) {
q = vec2( fbm1( uv + vec2(0.0,0.0), seed ), fbm1( uv + vec2(5.2,1.3), seed ) );
r = vec2( fbm1( uv + 4.0*q + vec2(1.7 - time / 2.,9.2), seed ), fbm1( uv + 4.0*q + vec2(8.3 - time / 2.,2.8), seed ) );
return fbm1( uv + 4.0*r, seed ); }
vec2 hash2(vec2 p) { vec2 o = texture2D( u_noise, (p+0.5)/256.0, -100.0 ).xy; return o; } vec3 hsb2rgb( in vec3 c ){ vec3 rgb = clamp(abs(mod(c.x*6.0+vec3(0.0,4.0,2.0), 6.0)-3.0)-1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); rgb = rgb*rgb*(3.0-2.0*rgb); return c.z * mix( vec3(1.0), rgb, c.y); } vec3 domain(vec2 z){ return vec3(hsb2rgb(vec3(atan(z.y,z.x)/TAU,1.,1.))); } vec3 colour(vec2 z) { return domain(z); } vec2 Droste(vec2 uv) { // 5. Take the tiled strips back to ordinary space. uv = cLog(uv); // 4. Scale and rotate the strips float scale = log(r2/r1); float angle = atan(scale/(2.0*PI)); uv = cDiv(uv, cExp(vec2(0,angle))*cos(angle)); // 3. this simulates zooming in the tile uv -= u_time * .2; // 2. Tile the strips uv.x = mod(uv.x,log(r2/r1)); // 1. Take the annulus to a strip uv = cExp(uv)*r1; return uv; }
void main() { vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - 0.5 * u_resolution.xy) / min(u_resolution.y, u_resolution.x); uv *= 2.; vec2 _uv = uv; vec2 polar = vec2(length(_uv), atan(uv.y, uv.x)); uv = Droste(uv); float rInv = 1./length(uv); uv = uv * rInv - vec2(rInv, 1.); vec2 p; vec2 q; float pat = pattern(uv * 5., seed, u_time * 5., p, q); vec3 fragcolour = mix( mix( vec3(0.1, 0.8, 1.0), vec3(0.1, 0.8, 1.0), abs(q.x*p.y)*20.), vec3(.1, .3, 0.5), pat ); fragcolour -= smoothstep(-.1, .9, p.x) * .1; fragcolour += smoothstep(-.1, .5, p.y) * .1; fragcolour += (1. - length(_uv * 2.)) *.5 ; float lcol = clamp(length((_uv) * 4.) - .2, 0., 1.); float raynoise = fbm1(polar*10.-u_time*2., seed); fragcolour = mix( fragcolour, vec3(sin(p.y * 10.), cos(q.y * 10.), pat * 2.) * .5 + 1.5, clamp( abs( sin(polar.y * 50.) ) * 1. / length(_uv * _uv * 3.) * raynoise - .2, 0., 1.) * .2); fragcolour = mix(vec3(1.), fragcolour, lcol);
gl_FragColor = vec4(fragcolour,1.0); } </script>